Friday, June 18, 2010

The Short List: 11 Items No traveler Should Be Without

Before going for a Travel, it is important that adequate preparation is done for the same. Given below is the list of 11 important items a traveler must have:

1. Swiss Army Knife. Indispensable, Depending upon the model you choose, you'll get scissors, tweezers, a toothpick, a corkscrew, a bottle opener, a can opener, a screwdriver, a ruler, a file, a magnifier and a knife.

2. Copies of medication and eye glasses prescriptions.

3. Spare eyeglasses or contact lenses.

4. Sunglasses, Even in winters.

5. Shower sandals. For icky shower stalls and to prevent athlete's foot.

6. Address book.

7. A personal music player or a book.

8. A deck of cards. For rainy days or extended layovers.

9. Rain Gear.

10. Important phone numbers. Be sure to include numbers to call if your credit cards or traveler's checks are lost or stolen.

11. A sewing kit with safety pins. don't forget to bring the right color thread; four mini spools of white aren't any good if your entire wardrobe is navy blue. Safety pins come in handy for torn hems, broken luggage straps, popped buttons, snapped swimsuit straps and curtains that won't stay closed.

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